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Turbosmart T40 Turbocharger Oil Pressure Regulator

Turbosmart T40 Turbocharger Oil Pressure Regulator

by Oleg Kovalenko on June 13, 2017 Categories: News

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Turbosmart’s new patent pending OPR T40 is a true oil pressure regulator for turbochargers. It solves a problem that is usually misunderstood. However, to see the true magic in this solution, you must first understand the problem.

Turbochargers require a good source of oil and more specifically, turbochargers are built around a preference for a specific ‘window’ of oil pressure and flow. Generally, a ball bearing turbocharger assembly requires less oil to be reliable than a journal bearing system and this is actually one of the key benefits in its use on modern engines.
A turbocharger assembly has oil, hot exhaust gas and compressed air all within the tight confines of its core and this is where some compromises need to be addressed. The relationship between oil, exhaust & compressed air needs to be relative and that is because seals are in place to stop one mixing with the other. A common misconception is that there is a ‘seal’ that stops oil getting into the inlet air or the exhaust gas and that is simply not the case.

The seal is in fact, a gas ring and more resembles that of a common piston ring than any kind of rubber seal. Its function is to hold the exhaust gas or compressed air out of the oil system, not the other way around, as is often assumed.  

Turbosmart's OPR T40 provides a regulated flow of oil to the turbocharger (s) to ensure the proper pressures and oiling function. Please see the attached document for more information. 


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